Alarma TV

Alarma TV is a U.S. television program broadcast on Estrella. Alarma TV is watched by a total number of 94,000 people (0.03% rating) per the daily audience measurement on .

Alarma TV daily P2+ ratings chart

Alarma TV Ratings

Demographic breakdown of the most recent historical ratings of Alarma TV on Estrella as of Thursday, October 5, 2023.

Alarma TV Daily Ratings

Top Estrella Shows

1Alarma TV94,000
2100 Latinos Dijeron51,000
3Noticiero Cierre de Edición39,000
4Tengo Talento25,000


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Oct 21, 2023 20:45 EST

Alarma's honest in depicting the reality of violence opened the Overtones Window for
English-speaking networks to provide unsanatized images of the damage Israel is about to inflict on Gaza, where demographics dictate half the bloody screaming injured will be children. Remember how a single image of a young Vietnamese girl set ablaze by a napalm bombing enraged the world?

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