
Gutfeld! (previously titled as The Greg Gutfeld Show until April 5, 2021) is a U.S. television program broadcast on Fox News since Sunday, May 31, 2015. Gutfeld is currently the fifth most popular show on Fox News and 48th overall on TV, watched by a total number of 2,824,000 people (0.89% rating, up +6% from yesterday) as of the daily audience measurement on . Gutfeld! is hosted by Gregory John Gutfeld (60).

Gutfeld daily P2+ ratings chart

Gutfeld Ratings

Demographic breakdown of the most recent historical ratings of Gutfeld!, presented by Greg Gutfeld, on Fox News as of Tuesday, November 26, 2024.

Gutfeld Daily Ratings
Gutfeld Weekly Ratings
Gutfeld Monthly Ratings
Gutfeld Quarterly Ratings
Gutfeld Yearly Ratings

Top Fox News Shows

1The Five4,017,000-2%
2Jesse Watters Primetime3,543,000+1%
3Special Report with Bret Baier3,025,000+4%
4Ingraham Angle2,947,000-6%
7Your World with Neil Cavuto1,942,000-1%
8Fox News at Night with Trace Gallagher1,722,000-4%
9Life, Liberty and Levin1,533,000-2%
10Big Weekend Show1,445,000-5%
11One Nation with Brian Kilmeade1,376,000-14%
12Sunday Night in America1,344,000-12%
13Fox News Saturday Night1,030,000-16%


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Oct 19, 2023 11:01 EST

GUTFELD is a comedy show that depends on everyone's ability to be spontaneously funny with lots of ad-libbing.
Greg Gutfeld is "the HOST with an attitude" who is compelled to do most of the irreverent ad-libbing, which he
does well.

As for Tyrus The Tattooed Giant, and sweet little Kat Timpf, they're bizarre characters who aren't especially funny.
It seems that they often depend on Gutfeld to supply the missing punchlines to their remarks.

All in all, it's a show that hits-or-misses, depending on how well Greg Gutfeld makes it work on a particular night.

Precious Loner🥲🤧

Sep 18, 2023 23:52 EST

Too bad everyone that posts on here don't post with their senators and congressman that they should lock up criminals and stop our schools from pushing propaganda as well as the news media. Y'all get your ass to work and straighten out this country and quit putting other countries ahead of ours is what we need to tell them. I let my congressman and senators know how I feel and I can see them fighting for it.

Patricia Pickup

Feb 20, 2023 17:55 EST

Gutfeld has lost me as a viewer. His jokes are gross and constantly making inferences of sexual overtones towards men who are his guests. His jokes are childish and I am surprised certain guests who I do respect, even come back. They must be desperate for attention. Having Emily Compagno on constantly does not add to the show with her shallow remarks and short skirts. Seems he has her on for immature men to google over. Sad!


Jul 20, 2023 21:34 EST

Exactly! He’s not even funny and I put him as cringy! Compagno fake giggles. He talks louder Andy keeps repeating himself when he sees it’s not going over


Aug 16, 2023 16:59 EST

cant stand that little mother fucker.


Sep 19, 2024 21:14 EST

No one asked you. Because no one cares. About you.


May 7, 2022 13:24 EST

Are Gutfeld's jokes getting tasteless? Even his female guests are getting embarrassed.


May 10, 2022 10:35 EST

I agree! Is "king of late night " going to his head? The jokes are falling flat also. He was so funny in the old studio...not sure what is going on with Gutfeld!

And one female guest was definitely embarrassed the other night and she practically said so. Good for her!

Richard hydell

Jan 30, 2022 20:23 EST

Richard Hydell and Wrecked
All over the world ?
Spotify ITunes etc .


Nov 12, 2021 16:19 EST

It takes a special kind of talent to make a current events show predictable and repetitive - fart joke, angry white guy, fart joke, deep thoughts with Tyrus, fart joke, Kat's stupid sounding fake laugh every time Greg blinks, fart joke - can't watch.

Thomas S

Feb 10, 2023 09:56 EST

man, the ratings on this comment are worse than Colbert's ratings!


Jul 30, 2022 04:31 EST

I think he's doing a hell of a job instead. He is both more politically incorrect and more moral than the normal late night shows. Repetition is part of comedy since forever. Sometimes I LOL which doesn't happen often with others.

Jim and jany howe

Jun 3, 2023 01:42 EST

I used to feel this way until fox lost their only get-down-in-the+dirt investigating journalist, tucker. He would dig up the dirt, the five would give it an easily digestible format, with a little humor to help it all go down. Later, reporters spin the news, baire and hannity regurgitate the daily chosen stories, and they all use the same videos and talking points. Getfield had anti-trumpers leading the audience in titters and laughs to degrade trump…a man i like and respect … a man who fought to bring sanity back to Washington. Without tucker carlson, fox has no one to shine a light, and now gutfield has become a turncoat. NO TRUTH, NO HUMOR, NO BACKBONE. We have completely transferred to newsmax for all of our news needs.

Ivan Terrible

Jul 19, 2021 23:13 EST

Gutfeld is a Russian operative.
He (Gutfeld) is related to Putin.
By Anonymous

Expect to see the above show up on The C(hina N(ews N(etwork))).
Go Greg you rule..!

Precious Loner🥲🤧

Sep 18, 2023 23:45 EST

Yeah I'm kin to Putin as well. As a matter of fact you are too and we all are. Because didn't we all come from Adam and Eve so he must be our cousin. We haven't talked in ever but I'm sure he would remember me.

D Bernes

Jul 21, 2021 00:41 EST

Greg, you're curating a lot of bad habits lately like insulting your guests with lame attempts at humor about their appearance, personal habits etc and they appear visibly annoyed while you laugh at yourself constantly. Trust me nobody else is laughing or think it's particularly funny. We love you Greg but stick to the mission of informing us and not entertaining yourself. I never thought I'd admit this but of late I've started to tune out before the hour has ended. It started :55 now it's around :40 if you've been laughing at yourself all night. And please curtail the rhyming, it's really adds nothing to the show. But I'll be back tomorrow... Just can't quit you bro!

Lynn Wilson

Feb 20, 2022 07:38 EST

You HAVE to be a libtard? Most if not all folks love what you don't.

Richard Hydell and Wrecked

Jun 27, 2021 08:58 EST

More more more .
Let’s get back to normal
Sex drugs and Rock and roll .
Free your mind and the rest will follow.


Jun 19, 2021 11:39 EST

The media, Dems/Left have been such extreme arses under cover of “necessary” 24/7 resistance to the Evil One, Trump, (aka TDS) they were just begging to be made the butt of the joke, daily, many times over. They constantly offered up the material, but it was left lying in a dark taboo corner, unused.

This is why I don’t just like Gutfeld!, I NEED Gutfeld!, and I bet a lot of viewers feel the same way. Humor is great in good times, but in bad times it’s essential. And if we’re going to have “humor” that supports the lunacy, we damn well better have humor as an antidote to it, as well.

It’s not like these fools on the left are just spouting a lot of foolishness - they are, but the really appalling thing is, they’re ruining our country too. Their behavior has been incredibly divisive & destructive, and just growing worse as it goes unchecked, especially as it gags rational ppl in the public sphere from stating the obvious due to fear of increasingly intolerant & tyrannical consequences.

Because of all of the above, this is exactly the right time for Gutfeld!, and not a moment too soon.

james E STATEN

Jul 29, 2021 13:34 EST

Guttfeld is a waste of time, her moved from the stage to this network. The stage didn't didn't like him but these fools do before he love telling lies

Max Kopp

Sep 23, 2021 22:21 EST

Huh! Who write this? Nancy? Or Joe.


Sep 11, 2021 07:34 EST

Come on … even Bill Mahr thinks Gutfled is genius. He should … it’s the same show but from the other side of the pitch.


May 13, 2021 16:13 EST

Where has Tyrus been, he’s been missing from Gutfeld??? I hope he still works at Fox. I love Fox News, watch it every day and starting at 5 p.m, is all my favs. Love everyone on Fox and so happy Gutfeld! Kicking ass!!! Thank you for all your great shows. Stopped watching Chris Wallace last year, was too biased against Trump. Maria Bartiroma is fabulous too.

Geraldine Bletsch

Jul 8, 2021 23:13 EST

Chris Wallace doesn’t belong on a conservative station. Never watch when he is on. He would be perfect on CBS or BBC

Lynn Wilson

Feb 20, 2022 07:36 EST

Poor Chrissy jumped over to cnn wich us currently imploding because he was holding hands with his Zucky but his Zucky went bye, bye and Chrissy is left all awone wiff a load in his diaper.

Gary Twitty

Jul 21, 2021 06:43 EST

Chris Wallace has always been a lefty, but has always tried to be fair and asked tough questions to both sides until he became infected with TDS
(Trump Derangement Syndrome) then he has totally lost all credibility. He would make a good assistant to Shepard Smith or an assistant to Rachael Maddie on MSDNC.


May 13, 2021 16:17 EST

Sent msg then saw Tyrus on The Five!!! Love Judge Jeanine too and everyone - all do a great job!!

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