Oct 23, 2023 10:13 EST
Jesse has a perennial smile planted on his face that makes him easy to take, regardless of what he's saying.
I think ALL of his shows should include ten-minute episodes of his "man in the street" interviews, which are what
he does best.
Rick Dunn
Dec 1, 2023 19:40 EST
What you refer to as a “perennial smile” many others see as an annoying smugness.
Feb 2, 2024 11:21 EST
With regard to Jessie's "perennial smile", I think it signifies that his show is nothing more than a BIG GOOF that should NOT be taken seriously. In other words, he's just a goofball "entertainer" who only PRETENDS to be an obnoxious right wing MAGAT ----sort of like
Gutfeld, Tyrus and Jimmy Failla.
His appeal won’t last long. He’s much like a politician in the way he believes he’s the smartest person in the room and everyone else is beneath him.
Mary Donovan
Jul 29, 2023 02:32 EST
Jessie, Don’t ever compare the rural country and farmers to the outlaws destroying Chicago. I and most farmers are very offended. We work double your hours and still keep our farms and homes looking beautiful. We are feeding the world, picking up the trash that city people dump in our driveways, fields and Timbers. Yes, we are cleaning up others trash from the city. putting food on your table, we are accountants,managers, agronomist , gamblers, mechanically smart, a computer whiz and raise a family that knows what responsibility and hard work really is.
Jessy, I cannot even imagine you operating a computerized tractor let alone call rural areas trashed out.
So disappointed !!!! Your ignorant remarks about trash and the farmer just lost you many viewers.
Geneva Ayte
Jul 15, 2023 06:07 EST
Jesse Watters comes across as an extremely conceited super star when in fact he is a playground-level bully intent on perfecting the art of smart-mouthing his various targets. He talks over his guests to make sure that his opinions alone are the loudest; his attempts at being "edgy" come across as petty snarkiness. I cannot fathom why Fox gave him Tucker's slot. Maybe to get rid of him in due course.
May 27, 2023 19:04 EST
I love the jesse watters show....he is interesting and funny....i absolutely love when they interject movie covers serious topics but at the same time cracks you up ...i love when Johnny interviews people in real life....the show is very refreshing to watch
Aug 2, 2022 20:14 EST
He worked hard, and you could tell he was trying to break into being one of the main "personalities" on Fox.
I like Watters... but I'm not generally a big fan of that career path
Theodore leb
Jun 14, 2022 21:14 EST
Geraldo Rivera is the most pathetic journalist on television. A fair comparison would be appropriate head to head to Joyless Behar
Geraldo takes a liberal position on THE FIVE based on the amount of monetary compensation he receives. It is obvious that what I am saying is true…He claims to be a Republican ,yet he represents on camera the most extreme liberals.
He is definitely an eye sore to a reputable network such as Fox
The sooner Fox gets rid of this imbecile the fastest the ratings of THE FIVE will become even higher‼️‼️
I mute the TV when this jerk verses his opinion‼️‼️‼️
Rick Dunn
Dec 1, 2023 19:32 EST
As of prior to this response it seems that enough people agreed with you because his dumb a— is gone.
Capone’s tomb, giving up our troop positions in the Middle East, he is a truly disreputable jerk.
Jul 19, 2022 19:55 EST
I'm pretty sure Geraldo has mentioned numerous times that he's a Democrat, usually when he's in an argument with Gutfeld. As disclosure, depending on the topic/issue.
Gary Levine
Feb 22, 2023 00:53 EST
Not true. He has said he’s registered republican.
Al Argomaniz
Jun 16, 2022 20:28 EST
Jesse is doing a better job everyday. Good for him !!!
Rick Dunn
Dec 1, 2023 19:26 EST
I initially agreed with your statement but have subsequently, along with others that I talk with, have concluded with most of the other negative commentators that he…..well…….sucks.
Veronika Antal
Apr 8, 2022 13:42 EST
Jesse's star keeps rising. He has a unique, very appealing style. He is a unique mixture of arrogance and shyness, he is extremely well prepared and digs up information that you hear nowhere else, provides stats to statements that need reliable backing - and does it all in a fabuloiusly entertaining and informative way.
The most descriptive characteristic of his style is: He makes it look easy!
He is also fearless - you never wonder how he really feels.
He will be the No. 1 host within 3 months!
Cindy Lambert
May 17, 2023 00:26 EST
He’s a h0tt p1ece of @ss too… LOL!
Thomas you
Jul 15, 2022 19:42 EST
Sandra Smith adore a lot better job than Jesse Walters
Roger Danbury
Feb 2, 2022 20:03 EST
I've got a question these numbers. Jesse was on six times in January:
Mon 3,803
Tue 3,600
Wed 3,123
Thu 3,107
Fri 2,654
Mon 3,255
How does that work out to 2,385? It seems like Jesse is getting mixed in with the previous 7 P.M. show. He's beaten Hannity every night.
Nielsen reports by time slots... Analysts put names to the times... Fox News 7pm becomes Jesse Watters Primetime...
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