Maria Mateo
Jun 5, 2024 15:32 EST
Gac family, days ago it was at -14 and now it is at +17. Did you see what I told you? Everything goes up and down. Abbott knows exactly what he's doing. It seems imprudent to me that the opponents of this channel, because of some points that are going down, begin to make predictions and mock. We have to learn to coexist, the Gac Family has the birthright to be successful just as HM has been.
Jun 17, 2024 11:18 EST
While it's entirely true that fluctuations in the numbers of viewers in inevitable with any program on television, there is only one number the people who pay for those shows to be aired care about: P25-54 (i.e. People between the ages of 25-54). Advertisers only pay for that demographic during primetime. Depending on the network, those advertisements may lean more towards women (like Hallmark and GAF) or more towards men (like ESPN). One thing they all have in common is an industry chart that tells them how much they should pay for the privilege of advertising their product during a certain show, movie, or event. (Spoiler, my first husband used to sell these advertisement packages to networks).
A network in the top 20, like Hallmark, commands the top dollars, ranging in average between $30-50 per/1000 P25-54 viewers. A network in the top 50 will get the mid-tier price, possibly around $20 per/1000 p25-54 viewers. Networks below that (like GAF) will only get the lowest advertising dollars, which is about $9 per/1000 P25-54 viewers, or 1/3 of what Hallmark earns during the same time slot. The popularity of each individual program will effect those prices.
Now, what makes Hallmark stand out against almost all other networks is that they have advertisers pay for their movies BEFORE they air through product placement. By the time you see a Hallmark movie on TV, it is possibly already profitable. The advertisements aired during the commercial breaks are merely a bonus. Hallmark was the first company in the world to do this in the 1951, and it is a proud part of American history. Many Hollywood movies also do this, but it took Stephen Spielberg's 1982 classic "ET" to normalize it.
On the other hand, we have GAF, which does not have product placements (advertisers don't like controversy, do like inclusion). A CCB movie costs around $4 million (at least it did at Hallmark). The entire holiday season takes around $80-100million to make 30 movies (which is really good considering the average Hollywood movie costs that for just one). At $9/per 1000 and no product placement, GAF still has a long climb ahead, especially in a cord-cutting future. That is not to say they won't maintain themselves, they seem capable of doing that, but they are a long way from moving to a better advertising tier.
Maria Mateo
Jul 8, 2024 16:00 EST
Well, go with Hallmark, and be happy.
May 31, 2024 22:01 EST
A few days ago the channel was at -14, today at +17. Everything rises and falls, nothing is static.
I like Great American Family, especially Abbott's vision, I hope they succeed. I see how they work with heart and soul to bring better content, and that is not built in a day, it takes time. Abbott knows well what he wants, how he wants it and where he wants to go.
Maria Mateo
May 24, 2024 22:11 EST
The rating fluctuates, this changes. There are high and low seasons.
A hug to all! 🌼
May 24, 2024 17:42 EST
I love it the week that Bill Abbott emails a letter about the programming.Where he claims The reason they have been airing older series content is the number of people who watch those shows is double or triple the number who watch movies. The whole letter can be found in any Great American Family fan group on Facebook. So they are getting double and triple the number of people watching Perry Mason than movies. So how come they lost 19, 000 viewers.
Apr 30, 2024 12:16 EST
I find it funny reading older comments talking about 'GAC taking over Hallmark' because GAC doesn't even become close to Hallmark's numbers
Aug 29, 2024 01:12 EST
This is all about Abbott's attempt to seek revenge on Hallmark after getting kicked out of the network. Burning someone else's money by tossing it into a disappearing industry, desperately trying to remain relevant while knowing the train has left the station. He knows he is done. Christmas "movies" are everywhere - cheap, sappy, simplistic paint-by-the-numbers crap, the Walmart bargain bin of the film industry. Tick, tock...
Apr 30, 2024 22:36 EST
And they never will if they keep airing Perry Mason. I keep saying there will not be any new movies till tgeur Great American Christmas starts in October
Apr 24, 2024 01:52 EST
I would love to know who does this network think they are fooling with these prime time ratings numbers. A 60 year old show that already airs on multiple stations at te same time but does not get the ratings numbers ton those networks tut it gets on this network does. With these prime timer ratings numbers one would think that the prime time show pulling in these ratings would be a top 150 show occasionally it is not. Their fans want movies back and are complaining on their social media pages.
Apr 29, 2024 15:37 EST
syndicated shows like this will not get top 150 ratings. Reruns do not rank for the public to see. For ex. Big Bang Theory nets a million viewers at least 10 showings each week in the top 200 rerun charts (not shown on ustvdb), but it is a syndicated show, so it will never appear now in the top 150 premiere programming. There is a top 200 reruns chart for the week but it is based on 18-49 aged demo so GAF never gets more than 1 or 2% of that, which means they have never likely had a rerun of anything to make that list. They aren't fooling anyone. These are numbers that ustvdb is finding from nielsen & are accurate for the estimate...which means, GAF is doing better showing PM than they were showing movies, so they aren't likely to change course right now when they just started building up numbers. Likely, they are hoping to replace the same viewership number and increase it when they return to showing movies in the fall but that is going to be tricky bc these are two different sets of viewers...the set who want old shows and don't want the movies...and those who want only movies. There are viewers who've only just started watching and don't understand why other viewers keep talking about movies bc to them, this network is only what they have seen since they started watching...old shows only. I also don't understand why they shared their linear viewing licenses for most of their movies with Merit Street. That's only going to push some viewers to their channel. Weird.
Apr 29, 2024 15:42 EST
also, networks over the years have repeatedly stated that social media comments are not a true indicator of who is actually watching. the numbers are the true indicator. a 100 people saying they want movies on facebook doesn't compare to the 136,000 viewers who for some reason apparently are enjoying the current programming.
Maria Mateo
Jan 1, 2024 19:25 EST
Gac Family Network. They make a great effort to give us good content. Things take time, especially what you want to do well. Great American Family is moving towards the medium-long term, and ups and downs are normal. Gac Family is not interested in being number 1, but rather in maintaining itself and being an option for those who want something different.
There is no need to compete or divide, the sun rises for everyone and nature gives its fruits to all of us without distinction. My congratulations to this channel, it is like a little David among many Goliaths.
Regards from Dominican Republic. 🌺
Dec 6, 2023 10:39 EST
Seriously, stop thinking any actor who you see in a movie is committed to a network & their beliefs are the same. First, this network is catering to a demo to try and grow numbers. Second, many actors are in movies that were made without any involvement from the network & then acquired (bought) to show on the channel. They don't know where the movie will air when they are making it and don't care, because they are earning a living. Third, many actors work on multiple channels in movies that are made for the networks, and again are earning a living. Several actors that people assume are anti-lgbtq etc. are not. Merritt P. has a post celebrating pride month, Jessica L.'s social media speaks for itself, etc. Anyone ever taken a moment to think that Trevor D may actually be gay? He's almost 40 & has never shown a photo of a girlfriend/wife, nor mentions of anything personal; just pics constantly with his shirt off. Stop assuming people are choosing GAF over HM, etc. Also, Laura O & Chris R didn't "come over to GAF". Chris has a movie with HM that was made for the network this year, also. One of the two on GAF (P&P) was an acquired movie. Laura would happily work with HM again in a hot minute, as many of them would that aren't under contract if HM offered them a role. Chad MM is on Sullivan's Crossing. He just made a movie to earn money. He didn't give a crap about it being on GAF. He barely mentioned it either and that movie didn't air until long after the strike. Lots of the actors don't promote their movies on GAF. I doubt you'll see Matt M in another movie on that channel, as he posted one thing & allowed Jen's posts to appear on his feed on Instagram. He didn't like or comment on any of them, and didn't like or comment on anything posted by the network about PCW. Many on HM are the same way. They just are making movies to earn a living. Cameron M will jump ship back and forth for money in a second. He deleted all posts about GAF involvement when he went back to HM to make Hannah S movies. Then, GAF offered him a contract, & all of sudden, he's posting on their Community app and doing promos for the network again & turned his back to HM to promote GAF during Christmas. One could get whiplash at how quickly he flips his back on both. So again...these are people making a living; they don't give a crap which network is paying the bills. Just watch TV for enjoyment and relax. As for ratings, give it up. HM has viewers in the 1-2 million range for every movie all year. GAF's highest movie ever was in 2022 and it was Danica's Christmas movie with under 500k viewers. This year, I'm sure she's feeling some kind of way about her fall movie not even charting, and her Christmas movie getting almost 100k fewer viewers than last year's movie. Candace's movie was almost about the same in dip this year & she didn't even have any actual competition from HM that night, nor was anything on Lifetime or Up that was Christmas that night. All that bs about "cultural desert for military" was a publicity stunt, and isn't true. HMM just aired a movie in Sept that actually filmed in the US in NV at the AFB that is home to the Thunderbirds and featured some of the actual service members as extras. They also did a showing at the base, although due to the strike at the time, the actors couldn't attend. They just included a military service member in Time for Her to Come Home...and that movie focused on a church choir. There's a Christmas movie coming up next week with a pastor. There's a Dayspring movie coming up with a modern retelling of the Christmas story on the 21st. GAF doesn't have one movie this season with a real focus on Christianity, but HMM actually does. Also, as for the LGB...movies, there are only 2 movies that include gay characters & they have advertised which ones.
Dec 6, 2023 11:02 EST
Also, I enjoy movies on INSP like Christmas in the Rockies this past weekend, UPTV, and occasionally Lifetime. Let's just watch what appeals that night & stop making it such a divisive thing.
HM & HMM Fan
Dec 7, 2023 00:30 EST
Agreed…this whole BS about dumping HM because of a few LGBT movies is just stupid…especially when movies and series have been doing it for years
Actors have the rite to choose where they go and who they sign a contract with just like viewers have the rite to watch the movies and shows they want to watch
If you don’t like a movie or show just change the channel…don’t mean to sound like Mr Rogers but creating a stink because you don’t agree with a point of view or the subject of a show or movie just makes you look insensitive…especially if you add salt to the wound and call others names or other derogatory terms just because they like something
The movies these actors were in still air on the original channels and will probably keep airing unless there is some kind of scandal or something serious happens that would cause any of the networks to cut ties with them…and if the channels have no issues airing the movies I have no issue watching regardless of what the channel is
Nov 23, 2023 12:00 EST
The Paris Christmas Waltz was the best Christmas movie this year. . Michael and Janeen Damien wrote, directed and produced another hit movie. Jen and Matthew had so much chemistry, their singing was great, their dancing was awesome. The movie had an old Hollywood movie feel to it and that final dance scene had me in tears. I did not want this movie to end. Looking forward to Micheal and Janeeen next movie for Great American Family.
Nov 23, 2023 17:25 EST
I can't believe that Bill Abbott is already throwing Candace Cameron Bure under the LGBT bus. He is going around in interviews saying this about her remarks on GAF's traditional family values: "It's like the disclaimer you see at the end of a movie or a series that says, 'The views reflected here are not necessarily those of the company. Candace has such a high profile that when she speaks, she'll speak on a lot of topics, and she has a wonderful podcast that is fantastic. But when she speaks on that, she's not speaking on behalf of Great American Media."
And he won't just come out and say that they're going to keep the programming family-friendly. He's hinting at being "woke" and adding agenda content. What is the point of this network if they're just going to do what that other channel is doing and go "woke"?! What is his deal?! He needs to get right with the Lord, and speak his truth. I should have known this was a farce when they kept hiring gay writers from Hallmark.
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