Fallen Idols: Nick and Aaron Carter

Fallen Idols: Nick and Aaron Carter is a U.S. television program aired on ID since Monday, May 27, 2024. Fallen Idols: Nick & Aaron Carter is watched by a total number of 426,000 people (0.14% rating, down -16% from yesterday) as of the daily audience measurement on .

Fallen Idols: Nick & Aaron Carter daily P2+ ratings chart

Fallen Idols: Nick & Aaron Carter Ratings

Demographic breakdown of the most recent historical ratings of Fallen Idols: Nick and Aaron Carter on ID as of Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

Fallen Idols: Nick & Aaron Carter Daily Ratings

Top ID Shows

1Evil Lives Here584,000-10%
2Married to Evil575,000
3How (Not) to Get Rid of a Body500,000
4Born Evil: Serial Killer & Savior456,000+1%


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Marisol Jaimes

Aug 30, 2024 17:16 EST

"Twisters is a worst movie ever". Have you seen The Crow 2024 and Fallen Idols: Nick and Aaron Carter? 2 films are the actual worst movies ever! And thank God, the stupid 4-part/2-night made for TV miniseries film flopped in the ratings and Backstreet Boys are planning on an upcoming new album and the global tour next year.

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