Apr 10, 2024 12:10 EST
Ari, if you even read this: PLEASE stop with the Stan Laurel mug face every time you end a question or answer? Really really annoying. Am waiting for you to do the Laurel spiel of scratching the top of your head while mugging at the same time...even when you do interviews off the show you do it. Like this morning about the Andriotti jail interview. Been able to deal with your trying to break into the Gen Zs with the hip hop, but that mug thing needs to go.
Oct 14, 2023 09:52 EST
Sorry, but I think Melber is boring and annoying to watch. I don't like the way he raises his eyebrows when speaking into the camera, and he seems to have a hard time explaining things clearly, succinctly and coherently.
Nov 15, 2023 13:31 EST
I cannot stand the Rap inferences, which at 74 I know what he is alluding to, but it is old and stale. Plus the mouth thing? Scrunched up chin when he ends a segment? Don't know how to describe it, but really annoying.
Harry Winn
Sep 19, 2023 11:06 EST
Ari: Last night you discussed Biden vs. Trump. In discussing Biden you commented on how age is a critical matter.
I believe that you have missed reviewing a key aspect. If a voter is worried about age, one aspect of that may be succession. Kamala Harris's image may be an issue. The logic from age concerned Biden supporters is that Harris isn't strong enuf. Either her limited experience on the national scene or her race may be reason for this attitude.
Do you have access to poling data on the "Harris" impact on Biden's candidacy?
If Harris isn't the ideal VP candidate, given Biden's age, which Democrat is?
In using the term "age", I consider health, energy and willingness to step down, when unable to do the most demaanding job in the universe.
I watch your show every nite. Harry
Apr 15, 2023 07:37 EST
Ari has a lot of me (tell by the nasally voice). He needs to blow his nose.
Robert n
Mar 29, 2023 21:09 EST
Really enjoy Ari on the beat. Gives the facts, not alternative facts.
Mar 16, 2023 18:42 EST
I love the Rachel Maddow Show, The Beat with Ari Melber, Deadline: White House, and All in with Chris Hayes. I also like the Lawrence O’Donnel Show but it’s on too late. I always feel like I’m ahead of the news because of the thorough job the hosts obviously do to present the news in context. Thank you!
Apr 15, 2023 07:39 EST
Are you an MSNBC intern trying to get a full time job or something? The @ss-kissery is real.
Ari you are the worst... what about Hillary not only taking federal docs but having them on her phone... hunter biden personally financially gaining by his dad's political views. Ari your a joke... lock up Trump ha ha ha but allow your people to run free. Fake news
Apr 19, 2023 04:06 EST
Oh my, regurgitating FOX deflecting talking points. My fellow American, we need knowledgeable citizens for Democracy to work. So, have a seat with The Beat audiences and learn from one of the best and most objective political shows. And remember, whatever Trump calls “fake news” is ALWAYS actual true news.
Please break free from the cult and think for yourself. The sociopath Trump has never “cleaned up the swamp”, he IS the swamp, and a pathological liar who projects his sordid behavior onto everyone else. A whiny “snowflake” with a knack for easily getting other people to do crimes on his behalf.
Fuffin Birch
Jul 11, 2022 17:23 EST
Really glad to see Ari's show catapulting up the ratings chart.
Sep 18, 2021 10:37 EST
Hey MSNBC, how's that Russian collusion thing against President Trump working out? Didn't go too well for you. Nothing but a lying bunch of left wingnuts.
K Van Sickle
Aug 24, 2021 21:03 EST
I love MSNBC for an endless number of obvious reasons. To me, the vast majority of everything I view from all of the hosts is an honest and insightful alternative to other news and commentary broadcasting. Thank you.
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