Nov 11, 2022 20:21 EST
The criticism of Tiffany Cross reminds me of a line from the movie " A Few Good Men." You can't handle the truth." Tiffany Cross was a breath of fresh air countering the bigoted nonsense spewed by the likes of Hannity,Carlson and those of their ilk. A strong Black Woman with knowledge speaking her mind frightens the hate filled racists when they're called out about their bigotry.
It's fascinating being called a racist by someone capitalizing black, which only racists do.
Guido Sarducci
Nov 8, 2022 17:57 EST
Personally, I found the level of analysis by her and her team to be perhaps the most superficial and - frankly - intellectually suspect of any show on the MSNBC lineup. I stopped listening when I noticed her pattern of simply moving from question to question, without really appearing to digest or analyze what the person(s) she was interviewing actually said - as though she was reading a list of questions and simply marching through them.
That, and her tone of voice, made her show simply unwatchable for me.
Just a personal opinion. She had her following, no doubt.
Nov 7, 2022 13:45 EST
What comments did Tiffany say that were untrue? Florida looks like a 'd***k'? That is old. She didn't create that joke. She did say the following-all which have merit: 1) when her brother who is a truck driver, goes on the roads, she worries for his safety...2) truck driving 'feels like a dangerous industry.' 3) 'This is an industry populated by a lot of white men over the age of 55.' 4)' This group of people overwhelmingly voted for Trump.' 5) "white Republican lawmakers are 'white supremacists.'" What? Tiffany was fired for bogus reasons.
Be reminded that NOTHING little Tommy Tucker or any of the bigots at FOX say is scrutinized, disputed or questioned. They promote lies and propaganda on a regular and it's no big deal! Because they are not news, they just spew bigotry, baseless lies and skewed opinions. These criticisms of Tiffany Cross are ridiculous and show the real side of the ugliness that continues to be America.
Glad she’s gone…spewed nothing but hatred and division. Her and Don Lemon are cut from the same dirty cloth!
Mark Anthony McMillan
Nov 5, 2022 22:26 EST
Some people can't handle the truth, but Tiffany spoke the truth when it comes to race in America. Meanwhile, on FOX news those bigot anchors still have their jobs. She will be truly missed on Saturdays, I really enjoyed watching the topic she had on the show.
Timmothy Kelly
Nov 5, 2022 00:04 EST
Now do the other blatant racist, Joy Reid.
Joyce Ross
Oct 19, 2022 20:13 EST
WHAT A RACIST Tiffany Cross us!!!!! Apparently she wants all of us white people DEAD. Way to fuel more division in God's children.
Oct 19, 2022 20:15 EST
Fire Tiffany Cross - reruns of TV patterns would deliver better ratings. She is totally offensive.
Colin Curran
Oct 19, 2022 20:19 EST
Typically I wouldn't care about anything you or Joy Reid or Rachel Maddie have to say because everyone knows that all three of you are race baiting bigots, full of hate for no reason, you have no direct connection to slavery or any other bullshit you try to hitch your wagon to. Bottom line, you're not special, you're a silly, ignorant fool who everyone can see from a Mile away. Nobody cares that you're black, not even black people, you're a big mouth and will never be taken seriously.
Aug 12, 2022 12:56 EST
The voice is way too grating. Doesn't MSNBC have voice coaches?