American Agenda

American Agenda is a U.S. television program shown on Newsmax since Tuesday, November 5, 2019. American Agenda is watched by a total number of 256,000 people (0.08% rating, up +15% from last month) per episode, as of the average monthly audience measurement for the period ending . American Agenda is hosted by Bob Sellers (68).

American Agenda daily P2+ ratings chart

American Agenda Ratings

Demographic breakdown of the most recent historical ratings of American Agenda, presented by Bob Sellers, on Newsmax as of Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

American Agenda Daily Ratings
American Agenda Monthly Ratings
American Agenda Quarterly Ratings
American Agenda Yearly Ratings

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Howard Hulin

Jan 16, 2024 19:49 EST

Bob Sellers is still on?? Haven't watched newsmax in afternoon since he went off on Lindell...I was watching Greta...she had him lost me for this time slot also...he's nothing but a trojan horse...he told Mike he was crazy on election fraud....I knew it was true also....guess I'm crazy too...but it's proven now...anyway, I'm watching newsmax less now... you're drifting....there are alternatives for real truth...


Sep 25, 2023 14:46 EST

I'm so glad Newsmax's Bob Sellers has not been on American Agenda the last 2 weeks. I don't find myself turning off the show now. I like the new Guy.


May 11, 2023 20:28 EST

Why did the comment about dislike for Bob Sellers get deleted??? Guess someone can't tolerate that people can't tolerate him.


May 9, 2023 15:22 EST

PLEASE get rid of Bob Sellers. He interrupts everyone and is blatantly arrogant! He makes his time-slot totally unwatchable!!

Amir hp

Nov 12, 2021 13:05 EST

Bob sellers is disgusting . He has the worst voice, his manners are horrible and he is a liberal in disguise.
Get rid of him. I stopped watching Newmax because of him.

Betty T.

Jul 27, 2022 15:36 EST

I absolutely agree. He talks over everybody on the show. I don't care what he thinks. I want to hear the guest. And I'm sick of hearing about his wife, not interested in her.

Lu Ann Hosek

Nov 10, 2021 15:10 EST

Please get rid of Bob Sellers....not a good choice for NEWSMAX....another liberal goofball pretending to be a conservative.....OUT!

Mary J Cureton

Apr 10, 2023 15:39 EST

And, he is rude and condescending to his female co host…as though he has a superior position and knowledge above hers. Since when are women now willing to tolerate this???? He’s what we used to call a mcp!

John Gibson

Dec 29, 2020 15:47 EST

newsmax is great except for one host. Bob Sellers who seems to be a leftest socalist in disguise. I had to stop watching him due to him talking about the election fraud. He believes President Trump has no evidence. When his guest start to explain how President Trump has not had his day in court do to the courts not hearing the case and dismissing them. Sellers will ask the question and than interrupt the guest to tout that the electors have already certified and the courts have spoken. The guest will try to explain but Mr Sellers continues to over talk them doing his best to degrade them. I sit here yelling at the screen as my blood boils. His co host just sits there trying to smile but you can tell she has a problem with his methods.

I do hope Newsmax does not go down the same road CNN and now Fox has. They have been my hope for the news since the steal of the election.

Susan Rains

Jan 6, 2021 17:00 EST

You are correct. Today, Jan. 6th, this other guy on American Agenda is another Bob Sellers. He's blaming the Republicans until the ex police commissioner from NY got him straight about invading the Capitol. He's a Socialist, too, it sounds like.


Feb 2, 2021 17:19 EST

Agreeing with John Gibson. Newsmax is great except for one host. Bob Sellers who seems to be a leftest socalist in disguise. I prepared to stop watching at this hour because I might as well be listening to CNN or Fox News at 3p with the same arguement that will not allow any guests to speak based on lack of "current" evidence regarding election fraud. When his guest start to explain how President Trump has not had his day in court because the courts are not hearing the case and dismissing them. Sellers will ask the question and then interrupt the guest to tout that the electors have already certified and the courts have spoken. The guest will try to explain but Mr Sellers continues to over talk them doing his best to degrade them. I just witnessed Mr. Sellers epic meltdown during today's "interview (that wasn't) with My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell where Mr. Lindell tried to explain his aggregation of evidence that is forthcoming as Mr. Sellers allowed not 1 word to be spoken by his guest. I too sit here yelling at the screen as my blood boils as poor Heather Childers tried to salvage the interview. Mr. Lindell has sacrificed his livelihood & company for his convictions & support of 45. At the very least..if Newsmax is to distinguish itself from Fox & needs to do a better job in debating the arguement in its "news segments" and defend speech. Most of the 75 million Americans that voted for the reelection of 45 watched on TV and on line in horror as Trumps substantial leads in all battleground states came to a grinding halt...all at the same time!..only to shoot up for Biden like a rocketship the next morning. We didn't need the legal procedures that questioned this election or "conspiracy" theories to tell us something very suspicious had happened. We only wanted proof that it didn't. I also hope Newsmax does not go down the same road CNN and now Fox has. As a former 20 year loyal CNN/MSNBC viewer (until the crucifying of 45 with lies designed to destroy his presidency as his policies helped millions of Americans from every socio economic background. Newsmax and Fox have been my hope for brave "real" news. The more truthful.."other side of the story". The polls are so wrong. There are 75 million Americans all talking underground about the very scary road this country is taking toward a Marxist, fascist, socialist society..canceling any conservative views or policy, destroying lives and livelihoods of well known and average people and using the power of government and our MEDIA as propaganda. Newsmax was a beacon of light. THANK YOU for Greg Kelly, Sean, Grant & Chris!. If I wanted to watch news with a man like Mr Sellers..I might as well be watching Martha@3p or CNN. That's where Mr. Sellers belongs. Not Newsmax. I'm sure you can find an objective, conservative superstar that can run your news at 3p. Sellers ratings deserve to tank after what I witnessed on todays show (2/02/21) with Mr. Lindell.

June McWilliam

Feb 2, 2021 17:47 EST

I agree, wholeheartedly. I like Heather, she is constantly trying to clean up Sellar's mistakes. To me, he is abhorrent, with his moderate-liberal opinions. He's washed up, and past tense. Much of the time, when listening, I forget that I'm watching Newsmax. From today, I will not be watching American Agenda, because of him. The last straw, was when he censored Mike Lindell. He was invited to be on the show, and when he wants to give his opinion, or state what happened, Sellars treated him like a pariah. If I was Lindell, I would contact Christopher Ruddy, and pull commercials from that show. Sellars must go!

John Gibson

Feb 5, 2021 13:36 EST

saw this coming. Bob Sellers did it again. shows his true colors, he is the only reason why I do not watch American Agenda anymore. I feel sorry for his co host and I feel really sorry for Mike Lindell for being silenced by Bob Sellers. The Left is having a field day with this and now Newsmax is being put in the same boat as fox.

Newsmax was the only source of truth and Bob Sellers has tainted that due to his left leaning believes infecting a great news source. Let Mike lindell speak for heaves sake. If you want to do a disclaimer after the interview than do so but now while he is talking with the host that is just trying to make him look bad and an attemp to silence him

Angus Causley

Mar 24, 2022 16:13 EST

I feel sorry for Heather Childers to have to contend with loudmouth Bob Sellers. He often interrupts her comments as well as their guests.
Newsmax would be smart to remove him from their airwaves.

Tim Ball

Feb 5, 2021 17:03 EST

Bob Sellers interview with Mike Lindell (My Pillow) was like watching a train wreck...The way he treated Mike and then stormed off the air like a spoiled child was embarrassing. Thank God for Heather for being a true professional on getting the segment back on track. I looked up Bob Sellers work history and he seems to have a history of this type of behavior that ends up him being fired or he moves on. I am very disappointed with NewsMax I really thought this network was about the truth and free speech and not the cancel culture agenda the other Networks are all about (Fox News, CNN)


Feb 5, 2021 20:13 EST

Bob Sellers was so UNPROFESSIONAL with his childish behavior (tantrum) to the challenging interview with guest, My Pillow guy, Mike Lindell. Thank Goodness Heather was able to step in to control the situation.

Everyone knows you will have occasions when the guest goes off into a direction that could be problematic.....BUT YOU DON’T CRY OUT TO THE PRODUCERS ON AIR AND THEN GET UP AND WALK OFF SO THERE’S DEAD AIR!!!!

How childish!!! FIRE BOB SELLERS...Bob Sellers is an embarrassment to Newsmax.

Then give Heather a raise in pay.

And then reach out to Mike Lindell and tell Mike how much you appreciate his financial & general support to Newsmax & explain to Mike it is unfortunate that certain topics must be approached carefully right now to keep Newmax on the air. BUT....I am very anxious to see Mike’s evidence he was trying to share on the show because so far everyone else IS AFRAID to give the EVIDENCE a platform. And we ALL KNOW the Nov 2020 election was fraudulent for numerous valid reasons.

Bob Sellers better dust off that resume.


Mar 5, 2021 10:53 EST

I know! Had to double-check to make sure I wasn't watching Don Lemon's Tantrum Hour!


Mar 9, 2021 21:24 EST

Completely Agree....unprofessional Bob Sellers shouldn’t be hosting a news program.

If Newsmax insists on keeping Bob Sellers, Put Bob Sellers in the 2:00 AM slot where no one will be watching & he can’t embarrass the rest of the GREAT Newsmax hosts.

On second thought......just FIRE BOB SELLERS. He’s worthless.

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