Judge Judy is a U.S. television program aired on Syndication since Monday, September 16, 1996 but officially ended on Friday, July 23, 2021. Judge Judy is watched by a total number of 5,503,000 people (1.75% rating, down -10% from April 7) per episode, as of the average weekly audience measurement for the period ending .
Demographic breakdown of the most recent historical ratings of Judge Judy on Syndication as of Sunday, July 21, 2024.
Judge Judy Weekly Ratings | |||
Date | Demo | Audience | Rating |
2024-Jul-21 AT | HH | 4,625,000 | 3.70 |
P2+ | 5,503,000 | 1.75 | |
2024-Apr-07 AT | HH | 5,125,000 | 4.10 |
P2+ | 6,088,000 | 1.93 | |
2024-Jan-07 AT | HH | 5,250,000 | 4.20 |
P2+ | 6,351,000 | 2.01 | |
2023-Oct-08 AT | HH | 4,625,000 | 3.70 |
P2+ | 5,576,000 | 1.77 | |
2023-Sep-24 AT | HH | 4,750,000 | 3.80 |
P2+ | 5,738,000 | 1.82 | |
2015-Oct-18 AT | P2+ | 9,595,000 | 3.23 |
P18-49 | 2,029,000 | 1.60 |
Rank | Program | Audience | Change |
1 | Jeopardy | 6,978,000 | -19% |
2 | Family Feud | 6,807,000 | -7% |
3 | Wheel of Fortune | 5,903,000 | -26% |
4 | Judge Judy | 5,503,000 | -10% |
5 | Dateline | 3,871,000 | -29% |
6 | Inside Edition | 2,859,000 | -14% |
7 | Entertainment Tonight | 2,641,000 | -9% |
8 | Live with Kelly & Mark | 2,132,000 | -4% |