Diarra from Detroit is a U.S. television program aired on VH1 since Saturday, March 16, 2024. Diarra from Detroit is watched by a total number of 90,000 people (0.03% rating) as of the daily audience measurement on . Diarra from Detroit is also shown on BET since March 2024.
Demographic breakdown of the most recent historical ratings of Diarra from Detroit on VH1 as of Saturday, March 16, 2024.
Diarra from Detroit Daily Ratings | |||
Date | Demo | Audience | Rating |
2024-Mar-16 SNEAK PEEK (P) SNEAK: DIARRA FROM DETROIT SNEAK 101 PREM | P2+ | 90,000 | 0.03 |
P18-49 | 27,000 | 0.02 |
Rank | Program | Audience | Change |
1 | Basketball Wives | 377,000 | |
2 | MTV Video Music Awards | 133,000 | -29% |
3 | Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'N Out | 129,000 | -40% |
4 | R&R Picture Shows | 66,000 | -51% |